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So far clearview has created 84 blog entries.

Chandelier Cleaning: Leave it to the Professionals – Chandelier Cleaning Rumson

Chandelier Cleaning: Leave it to the Professionals - There are some things best left to professionals. That is never truer than with chandelier cleaning. Not only are chandeliers highly expensive, they are also highly breakable which requires a steady and polished hand. For that, you need to turn to someone skilled in interior cleaning. Chandeliers are gorgeous lighting fixtures found in larger homes and mansions, business offices, malls, hotels, museums, and more. Giving off a warm glow of opulence, beauty, and grace, chandeliers are desired for their appearance, their ability to give off a lot of light, and for what they represent: wealth and high standards. They serve as focal points for a whole room, and as such need to be treated with the [...]

By |2017-03-21T14:59:33+00:00March 21st, 2017|Chandelier Cleaning|Comments Off on Chandelier Cleaning: Leave it to the Professionals – Chandelier Cleaning Rumson

What is the Cost of Roof Cleaning? Roof Cleaning Ocean County

What is the Cost of Roof Cleaning? - The maintenance of your roof goes beyond simple repairs when you spring a leak. It also involves cleaning your roof regularly to extend its life span and protect your biggest investment: your house. When you see those ugly dark streaks or algae stains, it’s already too late in many respects: mold, lichen, algae and moss are already attacking your roofing material. These elements tend to proliferate in shady, damp conditions, made easier by overhanging trees. There are alternatives to fixing this other than replacing the roof to the tune of thousands of dollars. A thorough cleaning is usually all that is needed to get your roof looking its best again. Check out some of the costs [...]

By |2017-02-27T14:42:34+00:00February 27th, 2017|Roof Cleaning, Uncategorized|Comments Off on What is the Cost of Roof Cleaning? Roof Cleaning Ocean County

DIY Soft Roof Cleaning – Roof Cleaning Monmouth

DIY Soft Roof Cleaning - Roof Cleaning Monmouth Before soft roof cleaning came along, homeowners had to resort to high-pressure power washing to get the black and green stains off their roofs. Yes, it was effective, but it was so powerful it damaged asphalt shingles, flashing, and siding. There’s a better way and it’s called soft roof cleaning. Best part is, weekend warriors: you can try it yourself. Moss, algae and lichen can do a number on your roof, causing rotting and premature failure over the years. That’s why you need to get rid of it before it starts to be a problem. That streaky stuff you see on your roof is not really dirt – it’s a green-blue form of algae that feeds [...]

By |2016-12-27T22:44:13+00:00December 27th, 2016|Roof Cleaning, Soft Washing|Comments Off on DIY Soft Roof Cleaning – Roof Cleaning Monmouth

How to Clean Roof Stains | Roof Cleaning Ocean County

How to Clean Roof Stains - While hiring a professional is always the best course of action when you have a dirty roof,  sometimes you want to try a DIY job, especially for those in-between washes. If you’re handy around the house and have the proper equipment, you can tackle this task on your own or with a buddy for efficiency and safety. While you may assume those black streaks on the north- and west-facing as well as shaded areas of your asphalt roof are comprised of mold, they’re actually likely algae colonies. This algae loves moisture and the limestone that fills in between your shingles, so it will only grow and proliferate if not treated. Roof Cleaning Ocean County - First, you’ll need the [...]

By |2016-11-20T20:54:08+00:00November 20th, 2016|Roof Cleaning|Comments Off on How to Clean Roof Stains | Roof Cleaning Ocean County

Got a Dirty Roof? Why You Should Hire a Professional Roof Cleaner

Got a Dirty Roof? Why You Should Hire a Professional to Clean It - Mold, algae and lichen can really do a number on your roof, causing unsightly staining and roof rot over time. Perhaps you fancy yourself a DIY’er and decide to tackle this project one weekend. However, you may want to think again. While you may assume you’re saving money by doing this yourself, there are many more valid reasons why you should hire a professional roof cleaner to handle it. Save yourself the stress, hard work and potential for injury. Whether you plan to scrub your roof with a brush and bucket of soapy water, or you plan to rent your own pressure washer from the store, you’re risking your safety when [...]

By |2016-10-24T18:57:07+00:00October 24th, 2016|Roof Cleaning, Soft Washing|Comments Off on Got a Dirty Roof? Why You Should Hire a Professional Roof Cleaner

Why You Need Window Washing in Ocean County | Window Washing Ocean County

Window Washing Ocean County - Cleaning is big business in this country. In fact, it’s estimated that cleaning costs for homes and businesses exceed $40 billion a year in the United States. And with the average house featuring between 20 and 25 windows, there’s lots of potential for dirt and grime buildup. Those who value a clean home or business do what they can to maintain and care for their largest investment. Clearview Washing - Window Washing Ocean County offers comprehensive window washing in Ocean County, one of the fastest growing areas in the state of New Jersey since the 1990s. With a population of 588,000 and growing, Ocean County happens to be the fifth-most populous county in the state, situated just 25 miles north [...]

By |2016-10-28T19:35:11+00:00September 13th, 2016|Commercial Window Washing, Window Cleaning|Comments Off on Why You Need Window Washing in Ocean County | Window Washing Ocean County

Professional Window Cleaning Tips

Window Cleaning NJ - It’s funny: you don't know how dirty your windows are until after you get them cleaned. You probably have become blind to how grimy they actually are, but once you get them cleaned, you will be amazed at how clearly you can see outside. Not to mention how nice the view is from the outside! It’s like putting on glasses for the first time: you can actually see detail. In order to save yourself the time, hassle and aggravation, it’s best to have a professional window company or Window Cleaning NJ handle this task. But if you do attempt to clean your own windows, here are some guidelines right from the pros: Open the top and bottom sash for ventilation while cleaning. [...]

By |2016-10-28T19:35:11+00:00August 16th, 2016|Commercial Window Washing, Window Cleaning|Comments Off on Professional Window Cleaning Tips

Roof Cleaning Tips in NJ | Roof Cleaning NJ

Roof Cleaning NJ - In your travels, you’ve likely seen other buildings and homes with stained roofs streaked with water, mold, mildew, moss and bird droppings. Looks unsightly, right? Now think about your own property. Does it look as clean as it can be? Probably not. However, with a simple power wash job, you can restore your roof to its former glory. From mold to mildew, things are growing on your roof. It just needs some food, water and air to thrive and proliferate. When it comes to asphalt roofing, the food is actually the limestone filler used in the installation process. On wood shingled roofs, the food is the wood itself. Why, then, do some parts of your roof look stained and others do [...]

By |2016-07-22T20:30:32+00:00July 22nd, 2016|Roof Cleaning|Comments Off on Roof Cleaning Tips in NJ | Roof Cleaning NJ

Power Washing: How to Power Wash Your Deck

How to Power Wash Your Deck - A big part of your exterior maintenance is deck cleaning. Is yours looking grungy, dirty and old? It’s time for a good power washing. If you’d like to try your hand at it, we can give you some pointers. Do your research, though, as you don’t want to end up with deep gouges, peeling paint, marks and indentations from the high-pressure stream of your rented power washing machine. In order to have the most successful outcome, you have to take it slow. From wood to composite decks, periodic cleanings are imperative to retaining the beauty of your deck and preventing unsightly stains from occurring. Of course, you should leave power washing to the professionals because we have the [...]

By |2020-06-06T14:27:36+00:00June 15th, 2016|Power Washing, Soft Washing|Comments Off on Power Washing: How to Power Wash Your Deck

Power Washing Applications for Property Managers – Power Washing Hudson County

Power Washing Applications for Property Managers - As the property manager of a condominium complex, homeowners association (HOA), apartment building, office building, shopping center or strip mall, you know it’s your job to keep the building or buildings looking good. This involves anything from lawn care and maintenance to window cleaning and power washing. You likely put a lot of money into the properties you have purchased. It certainly takes time for you to make your money back, but over time, you should make the initial investment back and then some. However, you need to work at that investment in order to get the max ROI out of it or you will see a decrease in value over time. Not only does a dirty exterior [...]

By |2016-10-28T19:35:11+00:00May 17th, 2016|Commercial Building Cleaning, Commercial Window Washing, Porperty Managers|Comments Off on Power Washing Applications for Property Managers – Power Washing Hudson County
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