Top Tips for Cleaning Windows — Streak Free – Anyone can clean a window. But who can clean the window without leaving any streaks? That can be tough. That’s why we are here to help with our top tips for cleaning windows the right way.

  • First off, it’s more important to have the right tools and cleaning solutions than elbow grease. Yes, you’ll have to put a little work in, but ultimately what will keep your windows streak free is the equipment you use.
  • Use the right water. Do you have hard water? You’re already behind the eight ball because all those minerals will cause streaks and deposits. It’s best to forgo the tap water and use distilled water added to your cleaning agents.
  • Don’t have window cleaner in the house? Grab some vinegar. It will do just fine. Mix an even solution of vinegar and water. Put it in a spray bottle and go to work.
  • Don’t add soap unless you need to. Even then, add only a small amount. Whether you’re cleaning your coffee table or outdoor windows, don’t use too much or you will get an overly dense cleaner that will leave behind a streaky residue.
  • Don’t use paper towels to dry your windows. They tend to leave lint and dust behind. Instead, use a microfiber cloth, squeegee or even a handful of newspaper. Yes, you read that right: newspaper works well on glass. Just be sure to don gloves.
  • End the window cleaning job with a quick buff just to make sure no streaks remain. For this, use a chamois or a microfiber cloth.
  • Wash your windows more often. You may not like spending the time on your windows, but the result will be well worth it. Plus, with a quick vinegar spritz and cloth wipe-down, you can zip through the house in no time.

Of course, sometimes dirty windows can get overwhelming, especially when they’re dirty inside and out. For help with those tasks, enlist the help of a professional for your home or business. Clearview Washing comes equipped with all the right cleaning solutions and equipment to ensure a job well done. You won’t believe your eyes! Call us now at 732-462-1187.