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So far clearview has created 84 blog entries.

SOFTWASHAPOLOOZA – Keeping up with the industry! Is your company staying up to date with all the industry trends, equipment and solutions?! Clearview Washing, LLC will again be attending this year’s SOFTWASHAPOLOOZA in Orlando, FL. What are the benefits? Allows our company to get updated information on key issues that we are concerned with. They have issues addressed on a specific topic by recognized experts who are up to date with the latest developments in the field. Creates learning communities that bring together owners from like-minded companies. The learning environment encourages owners from all over to exchange experiences, ideas and practices from their own companies. It allows owners to interact with other companies who may be experiencing similar issues and problems. It allows them to tackle issues together.   SOFTWASHAPOLOOZA - THE CONVENTION [...]

By |2020-06-18T21:28:11+00:00January 9th, 2015|Soft Washing|Comments Off on SOFTWASHAPOLOOZA – Keeping up with the industry!

Did you know clean windows are the #1 Return on Investment when selling your home?!?

First impressions are everything. The better it looks the faster it will go and the more money you will profit! Clearview Washing has the ability to clean the entire exterior and some interior surfaces of your property. We can clean the roof, gutters, siding, windows, chandeliers, fences, patios, sidewalks, driveways and more! According to 2000 real estate agents surveyed by the real estate website and published in the June, 2003 issue of Money Magazine, clean windows are the number one presale improvement that generates the best return on investment. This is measured by a higher selling price. The number one improvement you can make is to clean and de-clutter your home. On average every $100 dollars spent on cleaning and de-cluttering will net you $700 [...]

By |2016-10-28T19:35:11+00:00November 10th, 2014|Window Cleaning|Comments Off on Did you know clean windows are the #1 Return on Investment when selling your home?!?

Historic Home and Building Cleaning

Your home or property was not built to withstand the forces of high-pressure water ranging from 1,500 ~ 4,000 psi being spayed towards it at point blank range. This is especially important when it comes to assaulting an irreplaceable historic home or building with typical pressure washing techniques. Most historic homes have painted clapboard siding that when washed with high pressure, can damage the paint, damage the siding itself, or water can be sprayed under the laps causing moisture damage inside the home's walls. Also, a lot of historic homes are built with ornate, one of a kind moldings and trim that give them their character and charm. While their grace and architectural beauty cannot be overstated, the technology of the day fell a little [...]

By |2016-10-28T19:35:12+00:00September 4th, 2014|Soft Washing|Comments Off on Historic Home and Building Cleaning

So What’s Eating Your Roof

Did you know your roof is not dirty at all, it’s infested. Infested by tiny micro organisms that are dining on your roof like an all you can eat buffet. These algae, molds, mildews and bacteria are actually decomposing the surfaces they are growing on. Nature uses these tiny micro organisms to break down larger objects into smaller items eventually becoming part of the soil. This is called decomposition. Your roof and other surfaces around your property are being attacked and decomposed right before your very eyes. In the past pressure washers were used to clean algae and mildew away from these surfaces. This is actually the absolute wrong thing to do. Water under pressure created the Grand Canyon by a process called erosion. Using [...]

By |2020-06-18T21:27:41+00:00June 21st, 2014|Soft Washing|Comments Off on So What’s Eating Your Roof
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