Did you know your roof is not dirty at all, it’s infested. Infested by tiny micro organisms that are dining on your roof like an all you can eat buffet. These algae, molds, mildews and bacteria are actually decomposing the surfaces they are growing on. Nature uses these tiny micro organisms to break down larger objects into smaller items eventually becoming part of the soil. This is called decomposition. Your roof and other surfaces around your property are being attacked and decomposed right before your very eyes.

In the past pressure washers were used to clean algae and mildew away from these surfaces. This is actually the absolute wrong thing to do. Water under pressure created the Grand Canyon by a process called erosion. Using a pressure washer and taking an eroder to clean away a decomposer, will actually accelerate the aging and decomposition of the roof and other surface you are cleaning with pressure washing. Pressure washing is old school and doesn’t solve the problem of algae, mildew and bacteria staining.

Think of those ugly stains and colonies of tiny pests. You would treat them with a solution to kill them and keep those pests from coming back right? Well why not treat your properties roof, exterior, decks and such in the same way? Authorized Professionals use the SoftWash System™ to treat staining like a pest not a stain. Our three in one process cleans the surface, achieves a 100% kill of the fungal pests and leaves behind a spore block inhibitor to protect against further infestations. Best of all Authorized Professionals and SoftWash Systems™ cover your roof treatment with a 5 Year Spot-Free Limited Warranty.